At 3:00 p.m. on December 8, a leture on the higher education system in English-speaking countries was held by the British Cultural Centre. Our speaker is Professor Laura C. Bishop, the executive director of SBC, USST.
At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Laura started with two questions. "What is higher education?" "What is the purpose of people's higher education?" Then she shared her views on the higher education. Then, she introduced the Commonwealth countries to students compared higher education system between England and America, covering the aspects like the teaching philosophy, the mode, the tuition and so on.
Given the differences in the education system, Professor Laura provided some suggestions on how to choose a university and a country for studying abroad. First of all, students should determine their academic direction. They should think of the type of master's degree and the teaching mode. Then, they need to get the further knowledge such as the introduction of the major, the tutors, and some information of the programmes of your target school.
At the end of the lecture, Professor Laura warmly and specific answer the questions. We were all looking forward to the coming lectures.