Accreditation Specialists Conduct Inspection at USST


From October 29th to 30th, a group of six accreditation specialists for quality review of academic programs provided by higher education institutions for international students conducted on-site inspection at USST.
On the morning of October 29th, a meeting with the specialists took place in the conference room of German Cultural Center. Vice President Cai Yonglianpresided over the meeting.  Present at the meeting were  USST President Ding Xiaodong, the accreditation specialists, heads of some departments of USST, and supervisors and teachers from Hujiang College and other USST schools/colleges which accept international students.

In his welcome speech, Ding Xiaodong gave a brief introduction of the history of USST, its current development, its efforts on internationalization and creation of academic programs for international students, and innovative measures adopted for high-quality development of the university. Ding Xiaodong sincerely welcomed the arrival of the accreditation specialists and sought advice from the specialists with a view to improving the quality of the academic programs provided for international students and promoting the development of international students education.

President Ding Xiaodong extended a warm welcome to accrediation specialists

Gao Jing, the specialist group leader, introduced to the audience the procedures and scope of the upcoming on-site inspection. Su Mingxu, director of International Students Office, briefed the specialists on such issues as USST operation, international exchange, guiding principles and planning for international students education, current development of international students education, organization of accreditation work, accreditation requirements fulfillment and educational outcomes.

Gao Jing, the specialist group leader,addressed a speech in the meeting

From October 29th to 30th, the specialists inspected No.1 teaching building, international students apartment, photoelectric research laboratory, psychological counselling room of the Students Affairs Office and the Sino-British College. During the two-day inspection, the specialists talked with supervisors in charge of international students education work, management staff for international students affairs, and supervisors, teachers and students from relevant functional departments and schools/colleges. The specialists also reviewed files and rectification documents concerning international students supervision and training, and asked for explanation when questions arose.

At the feedback meeting held on the afternoon of October 30th, the specialists praised USST’s efforts into the accreditation work and the support given by the teachers and students from the relevant departments and schools/colleges. As the specialists commented, USST has adopted similar standards for international students affairs management. On the strength of experience in international exchange and running school cooperatively, launch of international accreditation, excellent teaching and effective international students management, USST has achieved sound development in international students education. The specialists also offered suggestions on how to expand international students education while offering wider access to international students in the new era, and how to achieve effective communication and organizational guarantee in the management system.
Cai Yonglian, on behalf of USST, thanked the accreditation specialists for their hard work. In her speech, Cai Yonglian said that they would review the valuable suggestions given by the accreditation specialists and make rectification accordingly. Mechanism-related problems would be identified, all the relevant departments would work together, and plans would be developed on the basis of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. International students education work would be improved in the form of work list and special project with a view to enhancing the quality of international students education of USST.

Vice President Cai Yonglian addressed a speech in the meeting